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Author | Title | Vol. | Pages |
Alphonse BORRAS
How can decision-making and procedures in the Church evolve in an authentically synodal way?
[...]The initial question of this study is essentially the same as that posed in similar terms by the Instrumentum laboris in June 2023 drawn up in preparation for the Synodal Assembly [...]
146/3 (2024) | 390 - 408 |
Alphonse BORRAS
Is sacra potestas the only way for the laity to participate in the governance of the Church?
[...]Is sacred power potestas sacra the only way for lay participation in the governance of the Church In order to answer this question the author will first identify the nature of this[...]
144/4 (2022) | 612 - 628 |
Alphonse BORRAS
Primacy and Synodality. Eclectic reflections of a Latin Canonist on a recent Work
[...]The GreekCatholic Theological Institute of Nyiregyhaza Hungary has recently published in partnership with the Society for the Law of the Oriental Churches a work entitled Primacy a[...]
143/2 (2021) | 290 - 304 |
Alphonse BORRAS
A new penal Canon Law?
[...]That the Church has been undermined owing to the disclosure of various forms of malpractice morally as well as in property and financial dealings has led Pope Francis to legalise a[...]
143/4 (2021) | 636 - 651 |
Alphonse BORRAS
How in a parish to realise ‘the missionary dream of reaching everyone’
[...]Faced with societal upheavals that affect ecclesial life Borras questions the missionary capacity of parishes Taking into account the institutional specificity of it he addresses t[...]
142/2 (2020) | 269 - 288 |
Alphonse BORRAS
Episcopalis communio, merits and limits of an institutional reform
[...]On 15th Sept 2018 Pope Francis published Episcopalis communio which governs the Synod of bishops The author analyses the theological and canonical meaning of the apostolic Constitu[...]
141/1 (2019) | 66 - 88 |
Alphonse BORRAS
The synod of bishops. Some reflections fifty-three years after its creation
[...]Fiftythree years after the Motu proprio Apostolica sollicitudo of Paul vi this article reflects on the ecclesiological consequences of the creation of the synod of bishops sensus f[...]
140/3 (2018) | 374 - 387 |
Alphonse BORRAS
The permanent deaconate; questions and perspectives
[...]Having clarified the doctrinal and ecclesial basis of the restoration of the deaconate the article examines how the ministry of deacons meets today the needs of the mission placed [...]
138/4 (2016) | 568 - 584 |
Alphonse BORRAS
Considérations canoniques sur le « partage » de la charge pastorale
[...]Through their tentative experiments trials and errors pastoral teams on the ground in parishes give room for a more participative Church both by virtue of the baptismal coresponsib[...]
134/3 (2012) | 424 - 440 |
Alphonse BORRAS
Délibérer en Église : communion ecclésiale et fidélité évangélique
[...]The verb to deliberate implies three main activities to consult to reflect to decide These three verbs in turns suggest two other verbs to listen to discern These five harmonics co[...]
132/2 (2010) | 177 - 196 |
Alphonse BORRAS
Un caractère diaconal ?
[...]The present article concerns the 'character' of the diaconate The A first describes the evolution of the notion of character in the Tradition and in the works of Thomas Aquinas He [...]
129/1 (2007) | 45 - 63 |
Alphonse BORRAS
Vers une déontologie du ministère ecclésial?
[...]Concern with deontology is widespread Considerations like humanisation ethical requirements promotion of professional and team work call for a codification of deontological rules W[...]
121/4 (1999) | 573 - 593 |
Alphonse BORRAS
L'Église et les ministères aujourd'hui. À propos d'un livre récent | 119/1 (1997) | 98 - 103 |
Alphonse BORRAS
Penser l'Église. Chronique d'ecclésiologie | 118/1 (1996) | 86 - 103 |
Alphonse BORRAS
Le droit canonique et la vitalité des communautés nouvelles
[...]The author shows how Canon Law can contribute to the vitality of the new communities First ecclesial law may further the juridical recognition of these new communities in determini[...]
118/2 (1996) | 200 - 218 |
Alphonse BORRAS
Le diaconat exercé en permanence: restauration ou rétablissement?
[...]After three decades the permanent diaconate renewed according to the wish of Vatican II has timidly become the object of theological reflection Experimentation is not over but eccl[...]
118/6 (1996) | 817 - 838 |
Alphonse BORRAS
Petite grammaire canonique des nouveaux ministères
[...]The author first recalls a few notions which may be end useful in order to enlighten the debate concerning the new ministries in the Church the Baptismal coresponsibility of all an[...]
117/2 (1995) | 240 - 261 |
Alphonse BORRAS
Droit canon et théologie. Chronique de droit canon | 116/5 (1994) | 737 - 749 |
Alphonse BORRAS
Petite apologie du Conseil pastoral de paroisse (à suivre) | 114/3 (1992) | 371 - 390 |
Alphonse BORRAS
Petite apologie du Conseil pastoral de paroisse (suite) | 114/4 (1992) | 558 - 576 |