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Author | Title | Vol. | Pages |
Living our death. About Blandine Humbert, Vivre la mort. Nous pouvons réapprendre à mourir (2023)
[...]At the start of the 3rd millennium the anthropological breakdown of our humanity the very appearance of the term in everyday language is a sign of its weakening in our community st[...]
146/2 (2024) | 286 - 292 |
Marguerite LÉNA
The beautiful name of Father
[...]In a social and ecclesial context where the relationship of fatherhood has often become problematic it can be useful to mark its relevance and anthropological limits in the light o[...]
145/1 (2023) | 83 - 97 |
A philosophy of abandonment, as a vital principle of the world and of consecrated life. About F. Giuliani, La vie dessaisie. La foi comme abandon plutôt que la maîtrise
[...]The times in which we live call for an intelligent audacious faith daring to confront the challenges that the world never ceases to present It is precisely on this difficult demand[...]
145/1 (2023) | 114 - 120 |
Marie-Gabrielle LEMAIRE
The pastoral relevance of Lubacan theology of the supernatural
[...]If Fr de Lubac devoted many works to the theology of the supernatural it is because of its crucial importance in the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ The theology of the [...]
145/2 (2023) | 294 - 303 |
Human «reluctance» to Christianity
[...]As we celebrate the four hundredth anniversary of Blaise Pascal's birth an event that has already prompted a number of writings devoted to his work Pierre Manent offers us an origi[...]
145/3 (2023) | 474 - 483 |
Xavier DIJON
Welcome the other, don’t get lost
[...]The book includes most of the contributions given in 2017 during the 14th edition of the Gesche conferences at the Catholic University of Leuven UCLouvain on the theme of migration[...]
142/2 (2020) | 296 - 302 |