Se laisser choisir pour choisir. Exercices spirituels et théologie morale

Thierry Lievens s.j.
Allowing Choice in order to choose. Spiritual Exercices and Moral Theology

Both moral theology and the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius try to help someone make a decision which is morally sound and fully human. Reading the Exercises in that perspective helped to bring out three main points for a better understanding of ethical decisions: the transformation of the human will by the encounter of the other person, the importance of the movements of affectivity in that process leading to a decision, the uniqueness of the «election» in a human life, i.e. of the decision to let oneself be chosen by another.
Se laisser choisir pour choisir. Exercices spirituels et théologie morale


the journal

NRT is a quarterly journal published by a group of Theology professors, under the supervision of the Society of Jesus in Brussels.


Nouvelle revue théologique
Boulevard Saint-Michel, 24
1040 Bruxelles, Belgium
Tél. +32 (0)2 739 34 80