«Au commencement était le Verbe» (Jean 1,1). Quelques aperçus de Grégoire de Nysse

Bernard Pottier s.j.
Gregory of Nyssa (circa 335-394) has left us no running commentary of the fourth Gospel. Yet, in his polemic writings against Eunome who denied the Son's godhead, we find many dazzling glimpses upon John's Prologue. The word beginning in its first verse, he tells us, refers to the Father himself: In the beginning was the Word means that from all eternity the Son is in the Father… and Gregory goes on explaining, in his own speculative and spiritual way, the reason why John chose to mention here neither the Father nor the Son. An attentive reader of his controversy against arianism will not fail to chance upon numerous similar gems.
«Au commencement était le Verbe» (Jean 1,1). Quelques aperçus de Grégoire de Nysse


the journal

NRT is a quarterly journal published by a group of Theology professors, under the supervision of the Society of Jesus in Brussels.


Nouvelle revue théologique
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