Mgr L. Monsengwo Pasinya et la théorie d'une inculturation dynamique enracinée dans la révélation

Bernard Fansaka
Bishop Monsenqwo Pasinya and the theory of inculturation

The A. studies Mgr. Monsengwo's African theology against the background of the catholicity of the Church. The archbishop of Kisangani holds that the principle of a hermeneutic inculturation leads to a universal questioning: the Bible expresses the process of inculturation. In Christ is found a rereading of the Old Testament in a time and in a world that are sufficiently ripe to receive the plenitude of revelation. Since Christ is the criterion of the transposition of the gospel into other cultures, should we not admit that inculturation in any local church is a problem which concerns the whole universal Church?
Mgr L. Monsengwo Pasinya et la théorie d'une inculturation dynamique enracinée dans la révélation


the journal

NRT is a quarterly journal published by a group of Theology professors, under the supervision of the Society of Jesus in Brussels.


Nouvelle revue théologique
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1040 Bruxelles, Belgium
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