Dominique JANTHIAL - Consolation: when God does justice by being merciful (in consonance with J.-P. Sonnet)
Bernard POTTIER s.j. Dominique STRUYF - Letters to the Churches (Rev 2-3). The psychic and spiritual illnesses of groups
Jean RADERMAKERS s.j. - The Time for the Passage. About Emmanuel Falque: Sur Emmanuel Falque : E. Falque, Triduum philosophique ; Parcours d’embûches. A. Saudan, Penser Dieu autrement. C. Brunier-Coulin (dir.), Une analytique du passage
Antoine GUGGENHEIM - Philosophers and Theologians in alliance in a New Age of humanity: X. Dijon s.j., La religion et la raison. Normes démocratiques et traditions religieuses
Marie-David WEILL - The Book of Esther and the Hidden Face of God, Hester Panim. A Light on the Shoah
Thérèse-Martine ANDREVON - Is the New Text of the Pontifical Commission for Relations with Judaism, the Gordian Knot of the Theology of Dialogue?
Xavier GUÉ - Towards a Reorientation of the Doctrine of Indulgence. Reflections from Misericordiae vultus
Jean RADERMAKERS s.j. - Ways of Mercy. M. Rouillé d’Orfeuil, Sacrifice. B. Piettre and F. Vouga, La Dette
Jean-Pierre SONNET s.j. - Justice and Mercy. The attributes of God in the narrative Dynamics of the Pentateuch
Noëlle HAUSMAN s.c.m. - A New Wine for Consecrated Life ? The Case of Temporary or Life Long Commitments