Bénédicte BOUILLOT - Faith, épokhê and mystical night: the feeling of security according to Edith Stein
Alain MATTHEEUWS s.j. - The conjugal act and the law of graduality. The theological meaning of Humanae vitae today
Sylvie DE VULPILLIÈRES - From David and Bathsheba to the kings and history of Israel. A narrative and theological study of 2 Sam 11-12 (2)
Marguerite LÉNA s.f.x. - To act in the Spirit. A theological ethic for the formation of the priesthood
Thaddée MATURA o.f.m. - God, his language and his breath. The internal relations of God in the work of Jean Grosjean
Jean-Marie HENNAUX s.j. - The literal sense of the Exercises of St. Ignatius and its current relevance
Sylvie DE VULPILLIÈRES - David and Bathsheba: reasons for the narrative. A narrative and theological study of 2 Samuel 11-12
Thérèse-Martine ANDREVON - Extending the sanctoral ritual of the Church of Jerusalem to the universal Church: a forgotten conciliar proposal
Albert CHAPELLE s.j. - “This no-named people manifests the truth of Mankind”. ATD Quart Monde, a social thought at the service of people
Éric DE MOULINS-BEAUFORT (Mgr) - What has happened to us? From paralysis to action faced with sexual abuse in the Church
Noëlle HAUSMAN s.c.m. - Formation by preventing abuse. Putting aside old ways of thinking and taking responsibility in the Church
Anne-Claire FAVRY c.c.g. - Flying on the two wings of charity. The psalms of ascension commented by St. Augustine